London Broncos Talent Pathway

Supporting the Talent Pathway

London Broncos are extremely proud of their success in developing players, many  of whom who have gone on to be successful at the highest level. The London Rugby League Foundation supports the development programme for high potential rugby league players in the Junior age groups from U12s to U16s, which are run in conjunction with the London Broncos, the London Junior League and the RFL. This includes Lions Development Training & Assessment, which are a first step on the player pathway and are open to all, the Origin Series between the best of North London and South London, and potential Representative Honours. 

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Lions Development Training & Assessment

Lions Development Sessions are 2 hour training sessions designed to take core skills to the next level and for players to take a first step onto the London Broncos Player Pathway. Our Professional Coaches will provide top-quality training to help players improve their game, and will support and assess their development as they progress along the pathway. Performance in the Lions sessions will also contribute towards selection for the Origin Series later in the year.

There will be 3 sessions for each age group held in North London and South London. Each session will cost only £5. Places are limited, so please book your place for the April sessions today, using the links below. The full programme is as follows:

Easter Holidays:

Thurs 10th Apr, 10.30am-12.30pm – U12s - South (at Elmbridge Eagles)

Thurs 10th Apr, 10.30am-12.30pm – U13/U14s - South (at Elmbridge Eagles)

Thurs 10th Apr, 1.30pm-3.30pm – U15/U16s - South (at Elmbridge Eagles)

Fri 11th Apr, 10.30am-12.30pm – U12s - North (at Hemel Stags)

Fri 11th Apr, 10.30am-12.30pm– U13/U14s - North (at Hemel Stags)

Fri 11th Apr, 1.30pm-3.30pm – U15/U16s - North (at Hemel Stags)

May Half-term:

Tues 27th May, 10.30am-12.30pm – U12s - North London 

Tues 27th May, 10.30am-12.30pm – U13/U14s - North London

Tues 27th May, 1.30pm-3.30pm – U15/U16s - North London 

Wed 28th May, 10.30am-12.30pm – U12s - South London 

Wed 28th May, 10.30am-12.30pm – U13/U14s - South London 

Wed 28th May, 1.30pm-3.30pm – U15/U16s - South London


Midweek evening in summer term:

Thurs 26th June, 6.30-8.30pm - U12s & U13/U14s & U15/U16s – South London

Thurs 3rd July, 6.30-8.30pm - U12s & U13/U14s & U15/U16s – North London

Origin Series - the Best of North London vs the Best of South London

The Origin Series is the next step in the London Broncos Player Pathway. This is a Representative Series in which the best players from the North of London will play against the best players from the South of London.

The proramme will include two 2hr training sessions with the teams' professional coach, plus a two match series with matches in North and South London. Performance in the Origin Series may contribute towards further representative honours and the next steps in the London Broncos Player Pathway.

The provisional dates of the programme are as follows:

Tue 9th Sep – U14 & U16 Origin North Training (7-9pm).

Wed 10th Sep – U14 & U16 Origin South Training (7-9pm).

Sun 14th Sep – U14 (2.30-3.30pm) & U16 (4-5pm) Origin Match 1 - North London.

Tue 16th Sep – U14 & U16 Origin North Training (7-9pm).

Wed 17th Sep – U14 & U16 Origin South Training (7-9pm).

Sun 21st Sep – U14 (2.30-3.30pm) & U16 (4-5pm) Origin Match 2 - South London.

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